Monday 2 February 2015



ASSALAMUALAIKUM.. Last week I have learned about cockroaches!!! I hate the cockroach because it can fly!!! But from I learn which is the cockroach do not fly but can move by gliding motion. So bear in mind ok??

The cockroaches is a hardiness species which is can withstand radiation doses 50 times which can kill a human. It also
  • Can live almost a month without food.
  • Can live about two weeks without water.
  • Some female cockroaches only mate once and stay pregnant for life!
  • Can live for up to one week without its head!
  • Can hold their breath for up to 40 minutes!
  • Can run up to 3 miles an hour.
  • Cockroaches were able to recover from being submerged underwater for half an hour.
So, its an amazing creatures, right? Next, all about the cockroaches.

  • Harbor in cracks and crevices in and around human habitats.
  • They travel between sources of disease pathogens (toilet, sewers, garbage) and food intended for human consumption.
  • Carry Salmonella typhimurium, Entamoeba histolytica and virus for poliomyelitis.
  • They carry the organisms on their feet, body hairs and mouthparts and in their intestines.
  • Eat almost anything.
  • They discharge a nauseating liquid from mouth and thoracic glands which imparts an unsavory odor and taste into infested food.
  • They vomit partly digested food from their mouths and defecate while feeding, both of which are loaded with microorganisms.
  • Most cockroaches are active at night, appearing during daylight only if disturbed or very hungry.
  • Prefer live in warm, moist area such as cracks and crevices near stoves, refrigerators, hot water heaters, coffee urns and warm water pipes.

American cockroaches
German cockroaches
Oriental cockroaches
  v  The largest of the cockroach     pest species, the body of an      adult American cockroach is    1.5 to 2 inches in length.  
  v  Color: reddish brown, with a     yellowish band behind the     head.
  v  Subfloor, basement, in    sewers and other warm, dark,    moist locations.  
  v  They avoid cold areas but    will thrive outdoors in    temperatures above 80F.  
  v  Indoors they often      congregate around hot water    pipes, fridge motors, boilers  and other heating appliances.
  v  The female life span up to    1.5 years. 
  v  Incubation period of eggs 6    to 8 weeks. 
  v  Most common found in    restaurants, homes and    hotels.  
  v  German cockroaches (eggs    included), are "brought in",    usually on man's belongings,    luggage, boxes or packages.  
  v  All it takes, is bringing in    one egg capsule, six months  later you do have an    infestation.
  v  Adults are 1/2 inch- 5/8 inch     long, 
  v  Light to medium brown with  2 dark distinctive stripes      behind the head.  
  v  The young (nymphs) are    wingless, smaller and much    darker in color, with a light    stripe on their backs. 
  v  Will eat anything, will stay    close to food and water      source.
  v  German cockroach    infestations usually occur in    bathrooms and kitchens. They  like to hide-out during the day  in tight secure places.  
  v  Daytime harborage areas are  usually near a food and        moisture source, such as,    inside wall cavities, behind    baseboards, cracks and  crevices in pantry, kitchen and  bathroom cupboards, and    under electrical, heating and  cooking appliances. 
  v  Dark brown or black          species. 
  v  Less domesticated than most     species. 
  v  Habitat include sewers,     damp basement, outbuildings    etc. 
  v  Have strong, repulsive odor. 
  v  Longest life cycle 
  v  Tends to favor colder    climates.


                                           That’s all from me!!! Thank you <3

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